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Greg Plum, Director of Business Development, The conference Group

Berge and Martin are progressive and "spot on" with their approach in addressing the agent community. Their CVx component of the larger ITExpo was an appropriate, well-executed addition.

My suggestion for TMC on the larger scale would be to consolidate a few of the disparate expos when possible, rather than being so granular. This granularity resulted in, what some were saying at the conference, too many simultaneous sessions... almost too many from which to choose.

One final note... I loved Martin's idea of having a premier session location right on the expo floor. Congratulations on a successful conference!

Ted Schuman, CEO, PlanetOne

My hats are off to Martin, Berge and Bruce for putting this together. It’s always hard to get something like this off the ground and to be the trail blazer. I wish them nothing but success with future shows.

Ben Bronston, Telecom Lawyer

I plan to exhibit at the Miami show. As a telecom lawyer, I don’t normally exhibit at trade shows. I typically prefer to wander around the show floor and meet with clients one-on-one. However, exhibiting at CVx was a very positive experience because it gave me an opportunity to meet people I never would have met otherwise while still having time to meet with clients individually. Naturally, many of the attendees were from Los Angeles and surrounding area, but there were many people from Arizona, Washington, Nevada, etc. I think the Miami show will likely draw from Florida and the Southeast – possibly even other areas on the East Coast – so I am looking forward to it.

The CVx was inside ITEXPO, so there were numerous opportunities for agents and channel partners to learn about new products and trends. There was heavy emphasis on both technology and education. As a telecom lawyer, I was asked to put together a panel discussion on telecom agent agreements and it was very informative. I was a little disappointed with the attendance but I understand the educational sessions will be held on the show floor itself in Miami so I’m excited about doing another presentation about telecom agent agreements.

Kevin Parker, VP of Sales, Lightyear Network Solutions

This was Lightyear's first CVX/ITExpo and we we were pleased with the results...interaction with the attendees, the education received, and the contact with our existing partners.

We look forward to future shows.

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