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Ted Schuman

Ben is one of the best telecom attorney's in our industry.

He's always completes his work for us on time, is very thorough, extremely knowledgable and is more than fair when it comes to billing.

How many attorneys can you say that about?

Ted Schuman
CEO PlanetOne

Gary Fry

I have worked with Ben for over 13 years and his councel has been invaluable to me and the my company.

Ben not only did the work he was asked to do (and did it very well) but he invested in learning our business and matched us to many partners and customers that were a value to the company. Ben has experience in every area of our industry and is well respected by all I know.

If you have a chance to work with Ben you will not regret it!!

Gary Fry
Managing Partner at United Gateway

Phil Rubin

I've known Ben for many, many years and he is one of the smartest and hardest-working people I know.

As a partner and attorney, his counsel has been invaluable to me on more occasions than I can remember. He's one of those trusted advisors who is more than attorney. He has tremendous instincts and insights into how business gets done, what can go wrong, and especially, how to avoid it (or at least protect yourself from it).

He's always there when there's a big opportunity on the line, and I expect that to be the case for many, many years.

Phil Rubin
CEO & President, rDialogue

Paul Silicato

Ben has consistantly produced superior results for my company and is a pleasure to work with.

He is the best when it comes to the details of Agent contracts with Carrier/Resellers.

Paul Silicato
Co-Owner at Global Systems Telecom, Inc.

Reed Ellis

I had the great and distinct pleasure of working with Ben while I was employed by LDDS Communications (which later evolved to become MCI WorldCom) in the late 1990's-early 2000's. Ben worked closely with our Partner Marketing organization at LDDS to provide our team with contracts and legal advice regarding our line of work.

Ben's work was unquestionably of the highest caliber and quality, timely, and he approached each opportunity with zeal and yet with a calm demeanor. Working with non-profit organizations (associations, alumni associations and fundraiser organizations) can be quite challenging in terms of IRS statutes, unique personalities and egos of the executives of those same entities, and yet Ben always found the means by which we could craft agreements to be mutually beneficial and yet protect LDDS' interests. Ben listened intently to the needs & wants of both our customers as well as our corporate needs in order to make the best recommendations and decisions.

I highly recommend Ben not only because he is of the highest integrity, but because his work ethic is beyond reproach and he is a true gentlemen in every regard. Any organization would be well served with Ben on their team.

Reed Ellis
Senior Director of Business Development at Global Conference Partners

Steven G. Williams

As an in-house attorney for many years with WorldCom, now part of Verizon, I retained Ben Bronston for a variety of projects including litigation and contract drafting.

His work ethic and responsiveness is something I have seldom seen in my years as an in-house corporate attorney. His grasp of the law, particularly with regard to telecommunications, is superlative.

Furthermore, due to his broad experience in the industry, he was able to guide WorldCom on business issues. Ben's ethics are superb and his contributions added great value to WorldCom's products and services. At WorldCom, we simply could not have operated without his expert advice.

I am pleased to offer an unlimited positive recommendation with regard to this fine attorney.

Steven G. Williams
Senior Legal Counsel Integrated Electrical Services, Inc.

Barry Augustinsky

It was a pleasure working with Ben and enjoying the benefits of his knowledge in the telecom rules and regulations.

With the ever changing regulations that the government is putting on service providers it was the best decision for us to have Ben and his associates handle this piece of our business.

Barry Augustinsky
Managing Partner, SipGully, LLC

Troy Bourque

Ben has been a great asset to our company. As an ISP and CLEC I have called on Ben many times. He has come thru with excelent results every time.

His knowledge of the telecommunications industry is outstanding. Ben will go the extra mile, recently I was presented with a project that had my back against the wall time wise. I sent him the red-lined documents at 11:30PM he had me final drafts at business open the next morning, by 11:00AM the deal was complete.

Troy Bourque
Partner at Integraded Data System

Michelle Moore

During my early career at LDDS (LDDS WorldCom>MCI WorldCom>MCI), I had the pleasure of working with Ben as we developed and evolved partner marketing programs. We focused on various types of organizations including non-profit as well as for-profit.

As a result, my team relied heavily on Ben’s expertise to design and develop contracts that fit each type of organization and their unique requirements from revenue share to tax implications.

Ben was fair and very willing to be involved in customer discussions during difficult contract negotiations. The net result was always a well executed partner contract that met the company’s needs as well as the customer. I am pleased to see that he has continued his career in this arena, and would highly recommend his services.

Michelle Moore
Director Partner Sales and Marketing, MCI

Steve Barnett

I have had the pleasure of working with Ben on several projects from Acquisition of several telecom companies to development of agent and customer contracts.

Ben is a consummate professional and is extremely detail oriented. I highly recommend his services.

Steve Barnett
Vice President Sales and Marketing at VoiceWalker, Inc.

Greg Hagerman

I've had the pleasure of working with Ben on multiple projects over 15+ years and always find Ben's expertise and business acumen unparalleled. Ben has taken a sincere interest in my objectives and always keeps me in mind as related matters of interest arise.

Telecom matters are often complex and Ben has a unique ability to simplify matters and approach them in a practical and effective manner. It’s always gratifying and rewarding to have Ben on my side in business negotiations and transactions.

Greg Hagerman
Principal, NextGen Marketing LLC

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