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Ken Mercer

I am very happy to see the commitment from Qwest to further support the agent program like they always have. It is positve support like this that shows Qwest will continue to be a champion of the indirect model.

Adam Edwards

We're pleased to see Qwest eliminate the renewal commission reduction. Renewals are more valuable than new sales because they don't incur the operating costs of provisioning. This change by Qwest is well timed with the increase in retention efforts of many agents.

Cale Perry

I'm very pleased Qwest has continued to show their committment to the partner channel.

Ron Dunworth

We view the news as an increased commitment to the channel, especially in light of the Century Link aquiistion. It also validates the importance of the channel in the retention effort by Qwest. The Premier Elite program is a great way to reward those who have contributed the most to the success of the Qwest Partner program. Its all good.

Robert Short

Blake Wetzel continues to garnish support from Qwest executive leadership and his peers. This latest announcement demonstrates Qwest's understanding and commitment to the partner channel and validates how strategic it is in the Business Markets Group.

Dave Laskowski

We are pleased to hear about the changes in the program and feel this sets a positive tone for the future of the Qwest partner program.

Rob Camargo

I'm happy to see Qwest continuing their commitment to the channel. I agree 100% that they are the most involved and supportive LEC in the industry where agents are concerned. I am hoping that the recent acquisition of their debt by CenturyLink will continue to free up resources for the channel going forward. Thanks for the post Dan! - Rob

Jonathen Marder

I`ts about time we see some "good news" from one of the major carriers. After all the commission changes/deletions us masters have recently been affected by this is truly a blessing. Renewals are a big part of a proactive agency and I`m glad to see that at least Qwest relizes that.
Jonathen Marder -
Co founder Western Telecom Group/Carrier Consulting

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