For those of your that don't know, Facebook is evolving as a great place for small businesses to advertise their services to other business owners. Why? Facebook knows more about you than Google. (don't worry, I think it's all fairly benign.) With Facebook ads you can target the exact sort of audience you want, like college graduate males in Los Angeles.
Several years ago I got involved with Google Ads before the big corporation priced small guys out of the market. (I actually did pretty well. I spent about $15,000 over a couple years by made a bundle off that.)
Anyway, Facebook business "Fan Page" ads today are where Google Ads were back when they began. I'm not all that good at Facebook ads yet - I've fooled around with them a couple times - but I know a good ad when I see one on Facebook because I can't help but click on it.
Today I found one I want to share with you that you can see here to the right. What do I like about it? It's VERY TARGETED - "12 Pasadena area business owners". It's almost the perfect Facebook ad as far as I'm concerned.Of course I became a "fan" even though I was somewhat disappointed with with both ResultWorx' Facebook Fan Page and their home page - both of which I have screen shots below from 3/11/2010 - the day I saw & clicked on the their Facebook ad.
The main problem with both "landing pages" is that neither created a strong desire in me to either pick up the phone and request a sales meeting or subscribe to a newsletter or anything else.
To ResultWorx' credit though, I am now one of their growing number of FB fans (a fact that my 100+ Facebook friends now all know.) So assuming that they work their FB fan page correctly, I'll be able to keep track of them and then call them when I do need them.
Because ResultWorx is hustling up business on Facebook without really having their "marketing act together", ResultWorx gets a big fat "TA Marketing Gold Star".
If I've said it once, I've said it a 100 times, any marketing today is better than "better" marketing tomorrow. If I was in Pasadena, and I needed IT help, I'd certainly be giving ResultWorx a call.
Posted 3/11/2010 by: Dan Baldwin TA Marketing Blog Sponsor: Atomic8ball
TA Executive Director
[email protected]