In the lesson, Matthew 22:34-46, "The greatest Commandment", Jesus responds to the question, "which commandment in the law is the greatest?"
Jesus responded by summarizing all of the law and the commandments, " the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind... and love your neighbor as yourself." Our guest preacher today spoke about this being one of the hardest texts to preach, even harder to live out. Listen and find out why.
For the children's message I asked, "Where is the church?" The answer can be found by listening to the sermon.
Our Shepherd of Life Lutheran Church congregation is a gathering of people from all walks of life who are striving to be make better choices in God's world. If you are searching for more meaning in your life you can begin by listening to the messages posted here.
However, Jesus really had community in mind when he founded the church on earth. Please join us in community any Sunday at 9:30 AM, or on the second Sunday of every month we "REVIVE!" at 5:00 PM (REVIVE! - is a new way to worship).
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