This week's sermon is based on Matthew 22:15-22, "The Question About Paying Taxes".
The sermon was not recorded this week, battery went dead during worship.
An older sibling sees a younger sibling with something that he/she wants. Having become wiser in the ways of the world, the older sibling says, "I'll flip you for it, Heads I win, Tails you lose. If I win, I get what you have, if you win, what do you want?"
The younger child thinks of something that he/she wants, decides that the arrangement is fair, and agrees. The flip is made. Of course, no matter which way the coin drops, the younger sibling loses.... and gains wisdom.
This week the Jewish Leaders (Pharisees and Herodians) try to set Jesus up into a "no-win" situation. "Is it lawful to pay taxes to the emperor, or not?" If Jesus gave a straight "yes" his followers would be very upset, because paying this tax to the conquering Romans was very unpopular.
That would be an understatement, they hated paying this tax, because it supported the Roman occupation of Israel. If Jesus said "no" it is not lawful to pay the tax, likely he would have been arrested, and probably flogged, or killed, for sedition against the emperor.
Jesus gave the perfect comeback answer, "Give to the emperor the things that are the emperor's, and to God the things that are God's." Many have used Jesus' statement as the justification for the separation of church and state. However, Jesus answer was as wily as the question that the Pharisees had put to him.
In truth, everything is God's. There is nothing that we can name that has not come to us from God's creation. Some of the things that humans have made from God's creation certainly would not be approved by God, such as illegal drugs and weapons, but the raw materials and the intellect to make things are all from God.
I believe that one of our biggest spiritual problems is that we find it difficult to give to God the things that are God's. We actually do not own anything, we are the managers, the stewards of God's things. God has put us in charge. He wants us to use his things, but in appropriate ways, in ways that please Him.
In truth, every decision that we make is a faith decision. We won't be perfect in making our choices, that is why we need Jesus' forgiveness. We are to strive to make the right choices, God pleasing choices.
Our Shepherd of Life Lutheran Church congregation is a gathering of people from all walks of life who are striving to be make better choices in God's world. If you are searching for more meaning in your life you can begin by listening to the messages posted here.
However, Jesus really had community in mind when he founded the church on earth. Please join us any Sunday at 9:30 AM, or on the second Sunday of every month we "REVIVE!" at 5:00 PM (REVIVE! - is a new way to worship).
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