The sermon this week was based on Matthew 20:1-16. Jesus tells a parable that is a response to questions from his disciples paraphrased ‘what’s in it for us (Matthew 19:27) ?’
The parable is about workers who are called to work in a vineyard at various times of the day. The ones who worked the least are paid first, and paid a full day’s wage. Those who worked longer thought that they would get more, but they were paid the same. A spokesperson complains. I suspect that we would also.
The reply of the landowner was, “I am doing you no wrong; did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage? … I choose to give to this last the same as I give to you. Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or are you envious because I am generous (Matthew 20:15)?”
This parable is not really about wages, it is about equality in God’s kingdom. All who accept God’s love and grace will receive the same eternal benefits, no matter when they accept God’s love. According to Jesus, even a thief on the cross next to him, who changed his attitude, received eternal life in Heaven (Luke 23:43). That is amazing love and grace.
Those who have belonged to a church for a long time may feel that it is not fair that those new to accept faith receive the same benefits. They may think like the one worker in the parable that “you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat (Matthew 20:12).” My response would be, that depends on our attitude. Is it a burden to serve the Lord our whole life, or is it a blessing?
I believe that being part of a faith community and responding to Christ’s love with a servant heart is very fulfilling and is a blessing to us, and to those around us. It is a question of attitude.
If you would like to make a new direction in your life, if you would like to be more of a blessing to God and those around you, please come visit our faith community.
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I enjoyed the sermon very much as I've actually been giving this specific subject quite a bit of thought since reading Rick Warren's book "The Purpose Driven Life" a year ago.
While the book has many redeeming ideas, I was never quite comfortable with his suggested answer to the "Second Question", "What did you do with what God gave you?" on page 34.
In the book Warren seems to suggest that "Grace alone" will get one into Heaven but what we do after achieving Grace, our acts for God, will determine our "place in Heaven".
After reading Warren's book I'm like, "Does it say in the Bible that there are different levels of Grace to be earned?" I don't remember learning that in confirmation class.
Thanks for your sermon that further disputes the idea that anything we can do can possibly enhance what Jesus has already done for us.
In researching this matter I found an interesting article at this link
Posted by: Dan Baldwin | 09/21/2011 at 02:45 PM