Main | Whose Cookies? Matthew 21:33-46, 10/2/11 Sermon »



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Dan Baldwin

I enjoyed the sermon very much as I've actually been giving this specific subject quite a bit of thought since reading Rick Warren's book "The Purpose Driven Life" a year ago.

While the book has many redeeming ideas, I was never quite comfortable with his suggested answer to the "Second Question", "What did you do with what God gave you?" on page 34.

In the book Warren seems to suggest that "Grace alone" will get one into Heaven but what we do after achieving Grace, our acts for God, will determine our "place in Heaven".

After reading Warren's book I'm like, "Does it say in the Bible that there are different levels of Grace to be earned?" I don't remember learning that in confirmation class.

Thanks for your sermon that further disputes the idea that anything we can do can possibly enhance what Jesus has already done for us.

In researching this matter I found an interesting article at this link

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