By Dan Baldwin, Editor
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Why do we even have office desks, office computers and office phones for any employees?
When they're on their office phone they're obviously talking to someone who's not sitting next to their desk.
Wouldn't it make more sense to move the employee closer to the person they need to talk to to get their job done?
From a company profit standpoint, is there greater margin to be had by forcing employees to work at their desk -- far away from the people they need to interact with, or is the greatest margin accessible only when employees are sent away from their desks to "where the work is" or "where the customers are"?
This is a tough call for many small business owners as many believe that their employees will only be productive under a watchful eye of a manager and that can only be accomplished inside the confines of a physical office.
Mobility & Productivity Lessons from the "Great Recession"
Several recent articles (article 1, article 2) relating to remote workers seem to suggest that workers with repetitive tasks to perform are most productive in an office while workers required to generate more creative work product are more productive outside the office.
One sure lesson that the Great Recession has taught us is that businesses can continue to increase worker productivity and profits with fewer employees. What's making this possible? Largely business communication technology advances that allow one employee to do the work that two employees used to do -- all all work can be accomplished away from the office desk!
Can Your Office Take Advantage of Productivity Through Mobility? Call Us to Find Out!
Take a moment to watch the short video below from CenturyLink that shares tips on how to achieve productive mobile employees.
After that give us a call to see which of your employees can be "made mobile" and more productive. As experienced telecom agents and independent carrier sales partners we've worked with hundreds of business clients grappling with some of the same communications problems you're facing now.
We can help you learn how your productivity problems can be overcome by mobilizing key employees utilizing recent business communication technology advances.
CenturyLink Small Business Tech Tips Video: Take Your Business Mobile
Video Transcript: Take Your Business Mobile
Today's small business environment often demands that you be in multiple places at the same time. Technology can make that happen. Thanks to mobile data services, employers can now gain additional hours of output from each employee and cut the cost of running their business. Going mobile is all about working smarter everywhere you work.
So, what technologies are right for improving your small businesses' mobile productivity?
- Wireless hardware cuts the cord. Smartphones now perform many of the same functions as laptops. Besides cellular calling they can send and receive e-mails, create and modify documents, and build and share databases, and their personal productivity applications go way beyond what's available on many conventional laptops.
Smaller and more flexible Netbooks and Tablets offer much of the functionality of laptops in a lighter, less expensive, and easier to carry package. They provide connectivity, e-mail and data access capabilities. - A wireless network sets your office free. Oftentimes with just a single wireless router your entire office can cut all the wired connections that keep you and your employees chained to your desks. You will get the flexibility to work anywhere in the office at anytime, and wireless routers are not only a convenience for you. Your customers and vendors can use your wireless network access to help them work while visiting your location too.
- Mobile broadband picks up where your wireless network leaves off. With mobile broadband cards, or Wi-Fi, WiMAX links, you can access the Internet just as you can in an office wireless network setting. Each option has a different pro and con for you to consider.
- Being more productive outside of the office can mean you may not need an office. With 24/7 wireless encrypted employees, you may be able to close down part or all of your physical work space. Today's online collaboration tools like meeting software, phone conferencing, and web based applications allow productivity from virtually everyone anywhere.
- Check out the latest hardware such as Smartphones, laptops and Netbooks.
- Install a wireless network.
- Consider mobile broadband for connectivity on the road.
- Don't forget costs savings of mobile technology.
This content is copyright protected. To license this content for your own website please contact Dan Baldwin at [email protected]. Photo credit: #22980662, Keywords: technology, mobile data services, cut costs, going mobile, work smarter, mobile productivity, wireless hardware, cut the cord, smartphone, laptop, cellular, email, modify document, share databases, productivity applications, netbook, tablet, wireless network, wireless router, wired connection, mobile broadband, wi-fi, wimax, encrypted, collaboration, meeting software, phone conferencing, CenturyLink, telecom agent, independent carrier sales partner, business communication technology,
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