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Pete Keane

I can not agree more with your premise or assessment. That is exactly why Outreach Technology has included Chatter Social Enterprise with Unified Communications, Presence, Collaboration, File Sharing and Instant Messaging free within salesReach.

salesReach is already seen by hundreds of users as the leading software platform for telecom and IT SFA/CRM/Commission Processing/Proposal Generation and API & database driven price quoting.

That's nice. But it is really just the basic blocking and tackling needed by agents, VARs and MSP's to move the selling ball down the field. What separates the salesReach platform is the absolutely integrated collaboration included in the salesforce.com based Chatter system. UC, Presence, IM, Chatter Social Enterprise collaboration, File Sharing, Following ("liking") and all such social media and collaboration capabilities are all included.

Agents, VARs and MSP's don't need multiple systems any longer to do Quoting and/or Order Processing and/or Commission Processing and/or CRM and/or File Sharing and/or Unified Communications and/or Presence and/or Instant Messaging and/or yet another app for collaboration. All the UC, IM, Collaboration, Presence, File Sharing and related features are included free in salesReach because it's all included free in salesforce.com on which salesReach for Telecom & IT is built.

As salesReach uses the underlying salesforce.com platform to run, the full salesforce.com functionality is included. For more info on Chatter and how it will assist you see the videos below or email [email protected].


and: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5h-4VGW1mE&feature=plcp

Pete Keane
Outreach Technology, LLC
(239) 330-3434

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